Single Shade

We’re throwing shade at you. Once a month we’re dropping limited edition Single Shades. Unique tones coupled with our signature cut and top class swim fabric. Those on our mailing list get a heads up 24 hours before the animals on social. Stay tuned to your inbox for updates on Single Shade.

The team at Noodle Bagz have upgraded our Single Shade series fro 2025. We are using new custom batch high quality swim inks and dyes to bring you the rarest tones and shades available. Check out our first of the new season below with Junior College Red and stay tuned for some tasty new pairs. Thank you always for supporting our small brand.

Single Shade with eco friendly fabrics.

We’re using PET bottle (polyethylene terephthalate) fabric to produce our Single Shade pairs as we move to become 100% recycled. Get those pesky bottles out of our oceans and on to our noodles :)