Mr.Oktoberfest: Ocean Beach goes crazy for Noodles.

Noodle Bagz Mr.Oktoberfest


The Noodle Bagz Mr.Oktoberfest is set to be a staple on our annual calendar after its impressive showing at the Ocean Beach Oktoberfest. Nine legendary lads who played in the Noodle Bagz Beach Touch World Championship earlier that day, swapped the sand for the stage to chug some steins and show off their strength. To add some hype our crew of units were decked out in custom Oktoberfest Noodle Bagz with matching suspenders and Bavarian hats, some kept the outfit on for the whole night.

Noodle Bagz oktoberfest


Our local MC Kyle Beck kicked off event number one which was the stein chug! The nine lads raced to chug a stein full beer fresh from the Oktoberfest garden. A stein is two pints or 1.4 liters to “Ze Germans” and the top four lads put it down in less than three seconds. The crowd were now fully invested in the show and we had our finalists.

Noodle Bagz stein hold oktoberfest


The lads on stage had just played a full beach rugby tournament and were still able to bring out the game face for the crowd. We had all sorts of rigs on stage in true Noodle Bagz style.

Oktoberfest stein hold.jpg

Lungs bursting

Although four lads made it to the final it was really a two horse race. And yes, these lads were horses, hungry for the win. After five minutes it was down to two men, Alex Elkins and Saeed Kodaimati battled it out for a further three minutes as the decibel level of the crazy OB crowd grew to jumbo jet proportions.

OB Oktoberfest


Alex Elkins standing at 6’5” and 250lbs looked like the crowd favourite, how could you beat this unit? But it was to be the underdog story of a lifetime when Saeed gathered the strength of every hair on his upper back, screamed like a mad man and got the win. Although there are many cliched morals we can grab from this story the main one is this: “Never doubt a man with a boars head tattood on his upper thigh”

Noodle Bagz Mr.oktoberfest winner

Follow us on social for our Oktoberfest / Beach touch highlight reel coming soon.

Ian Denham